6 Privacy Suggestions
Staying savvy when using the internet is something that we all need to be aware of. With each social media account created and with every app downloaded, we unknowingly offer third parties data that they can use to exploit us. Thankfully, staying safe is easier than you think – so here are our top tips to protect your privacy throughout 2018:
1. Use a separate account to download apps
There will be a few apps that you love – but that also require access to your contacts, microphone or location. For such apps, its best to download them onto your tablet using a separate account in order to protect your privacy. These companies really don’t have the right to view our personal data, yet sometimes we’re too quick to agree out of convenience just so that we can use their service.
2. Be professional and use your judgment
When it comes to posting on your social media accounts, first ask yourself this: would I tell a roomful of friends or family this piece of information? Could it be used against you in the future? If my boss read this, would it affect my professional life? Think before you post. Also, protect your friends and families privacy online by always asking their permission to post photos too – they have a right to know.
3. Once it’s out there…
Remember, user agreements are often extremely one-sided. When it comes to social media accounts again, these sites actually own ALL the content you post. In other words, they own the rights to your posts. Remember too, it’s super easy for strangers to pinch your photos and use them for other purposes…so it’s always worth considering whether you’re happy to give up such ownership rights before posting.
4. Keep an eye out for software updates
When you get a notification to update the software on either your phone, computer, laptop or tablet, do it straight away. Why? Nearly all these updates include security patches that help protect your privacy. This means they fill any open holes that could make it easy for someone to get access to your private data. We’d recommend turning on automatic updates for all your devices, which can be done in the settings of your phone, computer or app store.
5. Use different passwords
You’ve likely heard this tip before, but it’s an important one. Large data breaches happen and if the password that you use for everything is stolen, that means every single one of your accounts will then be at risk. Pick passwords that mix lower case and upper case characters and think about using a password manager. For more tips on picking a strong, secure password, click here. If you’re worried, you can also check here, which shows if any of your information was stolen during a recent data breach.
6. Install the latest antivirus software
This is an absolute must-have in order to protect your device from spyware, viruses, trojans and worms. These malicious programs are looking to invade your privacy and pinch your sensitive data. Keep in mind though that antivirus software protects only your device and not your internet connection. For more information about the best antivirus software solutions, click here.
Privacy is a fundamental human right and it’s important we learn how to protect that right better. If you’d like to learn more about how Advance Computer Systems in York & Hull can help protect your privacy rights, contact us today on 01904 653789.